Not one.
I find it amazing that my tendency towards distraction and unfinished projects carries over into Blogland. I think it's partly because I wasn't sure where to start, what my initial posts should be about. It was also because I had a really rough week and haven't really done much of anything... so the house completely fell apart. But mostly it was because actually committing to this blog, to posting regularly, means I also have to commit to getting my house and my life in order.
Which means work. Lots and lots of hard work (when I say "hard work" I mostly mean forcing myself to get up off the couch and actually doing something productive).
The honest truth is that most of the time I just feel like being LAZY. I am a stay-at-home mom with only two kids, but they are both under four and they completely exhaust me. So during those rare times when they are otherwise occupied, cleaning and picking up the house are the absolute last things I want to do. I just want to sit.
But I can't keep sitting. I can sit when they both start school. Right now I have to get this house done because I am at my wits end. I know that I'm passing my bad habits on to the kids and I do NOT want them to struggle with this the way I do.
So I'm getting started.
I'm committing.
For the next few weeks I will focus on the day-to-day tasks that I am so very terrible at (putting dishes away, keeping counters cleared, drinking more water, picking up after myself and getting the kids to do the same, etc). Here is my pledge to you, my loyal (and as yet nonexistent) readers:
I will set aside twenty minutes every morning to list the major things I need to get done that day, and twenty minutes every evening to note my progress. This will help keep me on track and (hopefully) minimize unfinished projects. I will also publish AT LEAST one substantial post a week, because the last thing I want is for this blog to be cluttered with nothing but a million To Do lists.Seriously, I have enough of those cluttering up my house.
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